Montana Decorative Garnet
Montana Red 100 TM
Available as...
* Fines
Rocky Mt Garnet TM
* Crushed
* Whole Garnet Rock
Garnet Grabber TM
(Winter Ice & Snow Traction)
Available in 1lb to 35 lb bags.
Price*: 1-5 Lb = $1.50/Lb
6-10 Lb = $1.25/Lb
11-30 Lb = $0.75/Lb
*Shipping is extra.
Approximate Sizes
-1/10" (10mesh)
+1/10" to 1/4"
"Crushed and Screened"
+1/4" to 1"
"Whole Rock"
up to 3ft.
Shipping Size:
1lb to 35lb bags
Taking order today for early winter delivey.
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For more information, click here --> GARNET.